Seekom RoomPriceGenie

RoomPriceGenie and Seekom – a partnership case-study from New Zealand

The back-story

Three or four years ago, Seekom, an established and well-respected property management system (PMS) from New Zealand, made a bold decision. They wanted to offer their clients more than just a standard PMS – they saw a lot of opportunity for their clients to make more revenue and wanted to help them achieve it.

“Many of our clients were not making the most of the opportunities available to them. We wanted to help them to achieve better results. By doing so, we would be able to set ourselves apart from the standard PMS offering.”

Steffen Dittrich, Customer Success Manager, Seekom

Around two years ago they contacted us, at RoomPriceGenie, asking about integration and we were impressed with their vision and concept. Who better to assist the client than the PMS provider who is naturally at the heart of hotel operations?

We worked together to provide the best experience for the client and by the end of 2019, we had our first joint client.

Growing into 2021 – benefits to RoomPriceGenie and Seekom

Fast forward to today and, in a little over a year, Seekom have integrated around 5% of their clients onto the ‘Growth’ plan, which includes RoomPriceGenie revenue management supervised by Seekom. It helps them to both maximise value for current customers, as well as get new clients.

“The offering is a key feature when attracting new customers. No-one else offers them this service”

Bernard Burke, Business Development Manager, Seekom

The partnership has really worked for both RoomPriceGenie as well.

“The Seekom partnership has attracted new customers, but more than that, the feedback we get from them gives us ideas on how to improve the product. All of our customers are seeing the benefit. We really love working with them.”

Joerg Siegel, Chief Product Officer, RoomPriceGenie

16.6% outperformance for RoomPriceGenie hotels vs the benchmark

However, all of the above-mentioned benefits are secondary to the benefits to the hotels. How did they perform?
We tested 3 hotels in very different circumstances, that have been with RoomPriceGenie and Seekom since at least July 2020. We checked performance for July 2020 -> Feb 2021 and compared to the performance of July 2019-> Feb 2020 (before Corona lockdowns).

We then compared the change in performance of these hotels vs similar hotels on Seekom that did not use RoomPriceGenie.

What did we find?

The hotels that did use RoomPriceGenie increased performance by 20.7% year on year. The benchmark hotels also increased but only by 3.5%, meaning that the RoomPriceGenie hotels beat the benchmark by 16.6%.

A win-win-win situation

The partnership has been a big success for all parties. Seekom give a better product to their clients, RoomPriceGenie gets clients in New Zealand that otherwise would not have signed up, and the hotels increased their revenue considerably.

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