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Hotel Caprice

“When I was told RoomPriceGenie had increased revenue in many hotels by 20%, I was skeptical. Today I would endorse it!”

Hotel Caprice
Switzerland flag

Case Study

Alexander Glarner, Hotel Caprice

"When I was told RoomPriceGenie had increased revenue in many hotels by 20%, I was skeptical. Today I would endorse it!"

Please introduce yourself and tell us briefly more about your hotel, your history and your market

My name is Alexander Glarner and I run the #hotel_caprice_grindelwald already in the 3rd generation together with my wife Regula. After my apprenticeship as a cook and a few years of “earning my living” I graduated from the hotel management school in Thun. Since December 2009 we are now responsible for the operational management of the “Caprice” and in summer 2018 we took over the sole proprietorship from my parents.
The Caprice is a typical family business with 24 rooms and 2 vacation apartments and a SPA area.

How did you design your prices before RoomPriceGenie and how long did you have to do it?

Before RoomPriceGenie, pricing was always a necessary evil, which cost me an extreme amount of time 2x a year. It often happened that I uploaded the prices for the next season only 2-3 months before.

How important is dynamic pricing for you in today's market?

I think that this is the key to a successful business today. I resisted it for a long time, but now I can say with full conviction that the decision to make our pricing dynamic has brought us a huge step forward.

How has RoomPriceGenie made your life easier and what do you like most about RoomPriceGenie?

In the last few years, the booking behavior of our guests has changed massively. More short-term, more weather-dependent and they prefer 5x a year 2-3 nights over 2x 14 days.

With RoomPriceGenie we have a tool that plays on exactly this booking behavior, offering the best possible prices at any given time. And the best part is that the system works completely autonomously. It often happens that I have a quick look in 1-2 times a week, only to find that everything is fine. And if we have to intervene, it is so clearly and simply structured that it works even without a lot of computer knowledge.

Can you already report first sales increases or further successes? If so, what are they?

When I was told at the first presentation that RoomPriceGenie had increased revenue in most hotels by 20%, I was skeptical. “Yeah yeah, you just tell it up front” – I thought at the time.

Today I would endorse it! Ok, the last two years were very special Corona-wise and a comparison is very difficult. But we had in the record summer 2019 (before RoomPriceGenie) an occupancy towards 98% and our room rates in the standard rooms stopped at CHF 260.00. In summer 2021, we had almost the same occupancy rate and the rates went up to CHF 340.00 per night thanks to RoomPriceGenie.

And finally: Please describe RoomPriceGenie in one sentence

RoomPriceGenie saves you time, makes you more competitive and I can really recommend it to you!

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