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Hotel am Augustinerplatz

Located in the heart of Cologne on the best shopping mile in this city of millions, Hotel am Augustinerplatz is one of the only family-run hotels in the area. But the hotel is able to compete with the big brands thanks to stylishly furnished rooms equipped with the latest technical comforts and one of the city’s trendiest bars, Leon's Liquid Lounge, which provides a special ambience for an evening aperitif.
Hotel am Augustinerplatz
Germany flag
Jennifer Woischwill-Schömburg
“Rather than spend hours each day with pricing research, we now simply check the rate and dedicate the time we save with RoompriceGenie to our guests.”

Jennifer Woischwill-Schömburg

The Challenge

A large city like Cologne is home to many hotels and a dynamic events calendar. Hotel staff spent an inordinate amount of time trying to ensure that the hotel prices were perfect. Hotel manager Jennifer Woischwill-Schömburg explains, “Pricing was entirely manual. We followed major events and trade fairs and were able to update our prices daily. It took about two hours a day to research the events and change our prices but even then, we were never confident that we got everything right.”

The Trigger

The time spent manually researching events and changing pricing accordingly was a tedious job that was prone to errors. Jennifer realized that there had to be a better way and made the decision to look for a faster, more accurate room pricing solution.

The Solution

When Jennifer demoed RoomPriceGenie she realized it was the perfect solution for the hotel. And, the support was even better than she expected. She says, “RoomPriceGenie is very easy to use and the support you get is great. Every now and then we are surprised by the rate RoomPriceGenie suggests but it’s inevitably the best rate and we celebrate the positive sales that result. Rather than spend hours each day with pricing research, we now simply check the rate and dedicate the time we save with RoompriceGenie to our guests.”

The Result

With RoomPriceGenie, staff at Hotel am Augustinerplatz saves approximately 10 hours a week in pricing research that can be redirected to serving guests. In addition, by automating room pricing, they have increased room revenue by 10%.

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Buasri Boutique Patong

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“RoomPriceGenie helped reduce my time on pricing by 70%. Now I only need to monitor the rates and performance once a week because I know that my rate is in the good hands of the automated pricing system.”
2 on Whiteleigh & 239 on Lincoln Motel

2 on Whiteleigh & 239 on Lincoln Motel

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New Zealand
"Our revenue increased by 20% for the financial year 2024 with even lower occupancy. I look forward to finding out the best approach to lift our winter sales with the help of RoomPriceGenie."
The Boathouse Apartments based in Queensland Austrailia

The Boathouse Apartments

Flag of Australia
"I trust that RoomPriceGenie is doing its thing, even when I am not watching, which is comforting."