Count on more revenue without doing more work
With RoomPriceGenie’s Revenue Management System. Get started today for free.
Run a successful business through automated room pricing

+ 22% revenue
Increase your revenue charging more when you can and less when you need to.
Save 10 hours
Each week, you save 10 hours of manual work so that you can focus more on what makes your hotel special.
100% in control
Let the computer do the repetitive work but stay 100% in control.
Property managers trust RoomPriceGenie, giving us highest review scores
We don’t just make pricing easier; we are your partners every step of the way. Your successes are what inspire us. Maybe that’s why we have the highest recommendation scores of any major revenue management system.
Ranked 1st in top 5 Revenue Management Systems on Hotel Tech Report
Ranked 1st in top 5 Revenue Management Systems on Hotel Tech Report
Ranked 2nd in top 5 Revenue Management Systems on Hotel Tech Report
Ranked 1st in top 5 Revenue Management Systems on Hotel Tech Report
Ranked 1st in top 5 Revenue Management Systems on Hotel Tech Report
Ranked 2nd in top 5 Revenue Management Systems on Hotel Tech Report
“I can honestly say that choosing RoomPriceGenie has been my best business decision ever in my nearly 30-year hospitality career.”
Hotel de la Bourse, Maastricht, Netherlands

“In terms of time-saving, I now have an extra hour a day. But this is inconsequential to me compared to the increase in revenue that I’ve had.”
Alexandra Hotel, Weymouth, England

Book a demo with our revenue experts
and start your free trial
Start your 14-day free trial
You can go live with your new prices in a few days, and start getting the benefit without paying a penny. Why not book a call with our revenue manager to see why so many hoteliers love RoomPriceGenie?