January 5, 2022

The Benefits of Having Cloud-Based Hotel Management Software

Cloud-based software is perhaps one of the leading changes within the hotel industry over the past decade. Through offering hotel owners safe and reliable means of running their property, the cloud presents a huge opportunity compared to the older on-premise systems.

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Cloud-based software is perhaps one of the leading changes within the hotel industry over the past decade. Through offering hotel owners safe and reliable means of running their property, the cloud presents a huge opportunity compared to the older on-premise systems. 

Despite this, the daunting task of changing systems often means hotel owners are reluctant to take the next steps into upgrading and could be losing out on increased profit margins. Making the switch to a cloud hotel management system could ensure your business is running at the highest possible efficiency level, as well as potentially lightening your workload. 

Not convinced? Here are 6 reasons why you should be making the change to a cloud-based hotel management software. 

1. Increased Data Security 

As with any line of work, you have a duty to your clients to safeguard their sensitive information. Not only that but you have an equal responsibility to your staff and business to ensure all data is stored safely. 

Frequent security checks and upgrades allow you to be safe in the knowledge that your data is as secure and up to date as it could be. If there’s an update to the software that could further secure your information it will be applied to your system automatically without you having to take time out of your day to manually do it. You can eliminate the risk of hardware failure and know that no matter how temperamental your device may be, your data and your clients data is safe and sound in your Hotel Management Software. 

 2. Ease of Access 

In using an on-premise system you are limiting all work and activity to the site of your property. A cloud-based hotel software can give you access to your system entirely remotely, meaning you can make changes and updates to the running of your hotel, regardless of whether you are on site or not.

Say, for example, a new guest has contacted you requesting an early check-in tomorrow morning. You’ve already gone home for the evening and can’t check their room has been serviced. Using a cloud-based software you’d be able to check the housekeeping schedule to ensure the room was clean and ready for the next guests, update check-in notes to alert your reception staff to an early check-in and respond promptly and efficiently to the guest with the given answer.

By eliminating the boundaries of an on-premise system, you are able to provide consistent and competent service to your loyal guests regardless of the time or place. 

3. Flexibility and User-Friendly 

As we all know, time is a precious commodity in the hospitality industry and changing systems can often be a laborious task. Fortunately, cloud hotel software is quick and easy to get to grips with. 

Instead of spending months training up your staff to use the new software, these cloud-based hotel management systems tend to be intuitive and clear. Running simply on a basic internet connection you are able to troubleshoot on the spot and it means that all you really need is a computer and a stable internet connection. 

Once you’re all set up and your data is transferred, the cloud hotel software is easy to regulate and customise. You can tailor your system to suit the specific needs of your business. One hotel owner we have spoken to runs almost exclusively on repeat business. His average client tends to come back once or twice a year and have done so for the past 15 to 20 years. He uses his cloud-based hotel software to send automated email updates offering pricing on rooms around a similar time to previous stays.

The automation of a cloud-based software, as well as being easy to use, means you and your team can run a more efficient business without the hassles of huge staff training and hours away from time that could be spent face-to-face with customers. 

4. Seamless Integration

 Running and managing a hotel is no small feat. There are payment systems, emails, accounting and channel managers to battle with on a daily basis. On-premise systems can make it feel like a tug-of-war just to get all of your various channels to align. 

Starting on a cloud-based system will take just a few days and can integrate all of the tools you use to run your business seamlessly and effectively. For us here at RoomPriceGenie the easy integration of the cloud means we can help you increase your revenue through smarter pricing and automation without a hitch. Software like our own can be added on to your cloud-based hotel management system without hassle, giving you the freedom to not only customise, but to customise with ease.  

5. Automated Process 

Cloud software automates the majority of the hoops you have to jump through in order to run a hotel. You can regulate booking rates in real time across all distribution channels. Your website and OTAs can be updated instantly and automatically. In doing so, with the help of software like our own, a cloud-based system could not only save you hours but increase your revenue too. 

With this, you have better control over your business. You’re eliminating a huge amount of confusion and frustration that is born out of on-premise systems that need constant care and attention. For example, if you take a last minute booking, with the automated processes of a cloud-based hotel management software, inputting the booking would automatically update the housekeeping department on the urgency of servicing that room. With coordination across the board, you’re increasing efficiency as well as staff satisfaction. 

6. Price 

Perhaps most appealing, cloud-based hotel management system and software are not expensive. 

An on-premise system requires the cost of not only setting it up, but also setting up the infrastructure to support it. Not to mention this server requires regular and costly maintenance.

However, with a hotel cloud system (cloud HMS) you don’t have to worry about the costs of large servers, staff training, hotel software licensing fees and maintenance.  They are sold as a service within which you are able to add on as many or as few features as you wish. It will cut down your costs and in turn, increase your revenue. 


In this ever changing world, you want a cloud-based hotel management software that can change and adapt with it. You can’t predict the future but you can help you and your team prepare for that which you do not know. By using a flexible and friendly system that adapts at the rate the hospitality industry changes, you are giving your business the best shot at success. 

If you are yet to make the switch to cloud-based hotel management systems, you could be missing out on larger profit margins. It is important to move with the times and stay up to date with your competitors. Cloud technology is a great way to do this. 
Contact us here at RoomPriceGenie to talk to one of our experts on how we can help streamline your business. Alternatively, check out SoftwareSuggest, Hotel Tech Report or Proven Partners for more options when it comes to using the cloud the get the most out of your hotel.

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