Free guide: Estrategias de fijación
de precios para hoteles

Unlock the secrets to maximizing revenue for your hotel with our comprehensive guide on hotel pricing strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned hotelier or just stepping into the hospitality industry, understanding the intricacies of pricing can significantly impact your bottom line. Our free guide is designed to equip you with actionable insights and proven strategies to optimize your pricing structure, attract more guests, and boost profitability.


Estrategias de fijación de precios para hoteles

Hotel Pricing

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Section One:
Find the Sweet Spot in Hotel Room Pricing

There’s a saying: “You know you’re priced right when your customers complain – but buy anyway.” While giving guests reasons to complain is not an ideal way to run a hospitality business, there is some truth to this sentiment.

Por lo general, los hoteleros tienden a bajar el precio de las habitaciones más de lo necesario, por miedo a perder reservas potenciales o a recibir malas críticas.

Research shows that when shoppers perceive a price as unfair, it activates the part of the brain that registers pain, which can reduce the likelihood of purchase and lead to complaints and bad reviews. On the other hand, when shoppers perceive a price as fair, it activates the part of the brain linked with pleasure. [1]

So, you want your pricing to be perceived as fair, but travelers aren’t as rate sensitive as you might think. Over the past two years, even though hotel room rates have increased substantially, guest ratings have actually improved. [2]

Travelers understand that hotel rates can fluctuate, and they expect to pay higher prices during busier times. For hotels, the goal is to find the optimal balance between average rate and occupancy that maximizes revenue – while also keeping guests happy.

Ese es el punto dulce de la estrategia de precios hoteleros.

Psychology Today – The Price of Products Guides Consumer Expectations. May 2023.

Shiji ReviewPro – Guest Experience Benchmark.
Q2 2023.

Section Two:
Setting Revenue Objectives

Whether you operate a boutique hotel, inn, hostel, vacation rentals, serviced apartments, or another type of independent lodging business, smart pricing starts with setting clear objectives. What do you wish to achieve through your pricing strategies?

Here we discuss four primary revenue objectives, along with the key performance metrics (KPIs) used to track and measure success.

1. Aumentar la ocupación
Crear ocupación es importante porque las reservas aportan ingresos y ayudan a cubrir costes. También es importante porque el inventario de habitaciones de hotel es perecedero. Cada noche que una habitación se queda vacía, se pierde la oportunidad de venderla.

Sometimes increasing occupancy is a top priority. For example, a new hotel might offer special introductory rates to entice travelers to try the property for the first time. This will generate awareness and online reviews, helping to put the hotel on the map.

Fórmula de ocupación

El porcentaje de ocupación de un hotel en una fecha determinada o a lo largo de un periodo como un mes o un año se calcula dividiendo el número de habitaciones ocupadas por el número de habitaciones disponibles y multiplicándolo por 100.

Occupancy % = Number of Occupied Rooms/Number of Available Rooms X 100

2. Aumento de la tasa media

Hotels often place too much emphasis on filling rooms and not enough on building average rate. As a result, they charge lower rates than they need to and capture less revenue. On the other hand, if hotels set prices too high, they risk losing potential bookings to competitors.

Industry experts agree that when a hotel realises revenue growth through rate, 95% flows to the bottom line, and if the growth comes through occupancy, approximately 50% flows to the bottom line. [1]

Es un equilibrio delicado. Cuando la demanda de habitaciones es alta, el hotel tiene más poder de fijación de precios. Cuando la demanda es baja, puede tener que bajar las tarifas para cumplir los objetivos de ocupación.

Fórmula ADR

La tarifa media diaria (ADR) de un hotel en una fecha o conjunto de fechas determinado se calcula dividiendo los ingresos totales por habitación entre el número de habitaciones vendidas.

Average Daily Rate = Room Revenue/Number of Rooms Sold

3. Aumentar los ingresos
A key objective of revenue management is to find the balance between occupancy and rate that generates the most revenue. But it’s not just about room revenue. If a property has a restaurant, bar, function space, spa, or other revenue outlets, maximizing total revenue might be more important.

Por ejemplo, un hotel con espacio para eventos puede ofrecer descuentos en las habitaciones para atraer reuniones y eventos que gastarán más dinero en property que los viajeros independientes.

RevPAR & TRevPAR Formulas

Una medida fundamental del rendimiento de los ingresos son los ingresos por habitación disponible (RevPAR). Se calcula para una fecha determinada o un conjunto de fechas dividiendo los ingresos por habitación entre el número de habitaciones disponibles. TRevPAR es una medida de los ingresos totales por habitación disponible.

RevPAR = Room Revenue/Number of Available Rooms

TRevPAR = Total Revenue/Number of Available Rooms

4. Aumentar la rentabilidad
El objetivo último de cualquier property es maximizar la rentabilidad. Para ello, los hoteleros deben encontrar la forma de obtener los máximos ingresos y, al mismo tiempo, controlar los costes.

Part of that means recognizing that some types of business bring in more revenue than others, some have higher costs of acquisition and servicing, and room revenue is generally more profitable than other types of revenue (though not always).

Por ejemplo, si dos huéspedes pagan el mismo precio por el mismo tipo de habitación, pero uno de ellos reserva en Expedia y el otro en el sitio web del hotel, este último huésped será generalmente más rentable porque el hotel no paga comisión por el precio de la habitación.

Fórmula del margen de beneficios

El margen de beneficio de un hotel se calcula para una fecha o un conjunto de fechas determinadas tomando los ingresos totales y deduciendo los costes de explotación, dividiendo la cantidad por los ingresos totales y multiplicando por 100.

Profit Margin = (Total Revenue – Operating Costs)/Total Revenue x 100

Annual Planning: Combining the Four Objectives
When preparing the annual budget, hoteliers use the above KPIs to set objectives for the coming year, breaking them down by month and day. Then they plan the strategies required to achieve the objectives, adjusting them as needed throughout the year.

Source: Evolving Dynamics: From Revenue Management to Revenue Strategy by D. Skodol and T. Wiersma

Section Three:
Factors to Consider When Pricing Rooms

When deciding how to price rooms, hoteliers must consider the many factors that influence demand for rooms and how much travelers are willing to pay. Here we summarize the key factors.

Tu propiedad
When pricing rooms, it’s vital to take a realistic look at your property and its positioning. What are its strengths and weaknesses relative to similar properties in the area? The type of hotel you operate, the class or segment, star rating, location, and quality of service, rooms, and facilities – all of these characteristics play a role in determining who wants to stay at your hotel and how much they will pay for rooms.

Illustration of a hand holding a mobile phone, with a speech bubble above it.

Época del año
Most destinations are seasonal. During high season, demand is typically strong, and hotels can charge more for rooms. During low season, demand tends to be softer, and hotels generally offer lower rates to attract business. During the shoulder seasons in between, demand tends to fluctuate up and down. Throughout the year, demand may also be affected by holidays and special events.

Día de la semana
La demanda también puede fluctuar según el día de la semana. Por ejemplo, los hoteles de ocio suelen estar más ocupados los viernes y sábados, cuando pueden cobrar tarifas más altas, pero más tranquilos durante la semana. En los hoteles de negocios suele ocurrir lo contrario.

Demanda interna
Internal demand is the number of guests who want to stay at a hotel on a given date. It can be measured in three key ways:

Habitaciones en los libros (OTB)
How many rooms are sold vs. how many are still available to sell. 

Booking pace
El ritmo al que llegan las reservas, menos las anulaciones y los cambios de fecha.

El número de nuevas reservas durante un periodo reciente, como la semana pasada, menos las cancelaciones y los cambios de fecha.

Los hoteles suelen comparar la demanda interna con fechas anteriores, como la misma época del año pasado. Si la demanda es mayor, puede ser un indicio de que el hotel puede aumentar las tarifas. Si la demanda es menor, es posible que el hotel tenga que bajar las tarifas para alcanzar los objetivos de ocupación.

Demanda del mercado
La demanda del mercado es el número de huéspedes que desean alojarse en hoteles de forma colectiva en una región en una fecha determinada. Al igual que la demanda interna, puede fluctuar según la temporada y el día de la semana, así como durante las vacaciones y eventos especiales.

La demanda del mercado también se ve afectada por las condiciones económicas, las tendencias de los viajes, la disponibilidad de vuelos y otros medios de transporte a la región, y la oferta de habitaciones disponibles. Si la oferta de habitaciones es baja y la demanda alta, aumenta el poder de fijación de precios de los hoteles. Si la oferta es alta y la demanda baja, el poder de fijación de precios de los hoteles disminuye.

Sensibilidad a los precios
Hotel rates are also affected by the price sensitivity of travelers. Price sensitivity, or elasticity, may vary depending on a variety of factors, including the nature of travel, time of year, and how much travelers desire to stay at a particular hotel.

Si la sensibilidad a los precios es alta, un cambio en los precios tendrá un impacto significativo en la demanda. Si la sensibilidad al precio es baja, un cambio en los precios tendrá un impacto bajo en la demanda. Para comprender la sensibilidad a los precios, observe cómo afectan a la demanda interna los cambios en sus precios.

Tarifas de la competencia
Las tarifas que anuncian los competidores de un hotel son otro buen indicador de los precios que los viajeros están dispuestos a pagar. Los viajeros suelen comparar tarifas entre distintos tipos de alojamiento cuando buscan habitación. Si las tarifas de un hotel son mucho más elevadas que las de otros hoteles comparables de la zona, perderá oportunidades de reserva. Si las tarifas de un hotel son mucho más bajas, llenará las habitaciones con reservas poco valoradas, mientras que otros hoteles recibirán reservas mejor valoradas.

Reputación en línea
Travelers also consult guest reviews and ratings on platforms like Google, Tripadvisor, and OTAs when deciding where to stay. Tripadvisor research has found that 79 percent of the site’s users are more likely to book a hotel with a higher bubble rating when choosing between comparable properties. [1]

Moreover, travelers are 72 percent more likely to pay more for a hotel with higher guest ratings, according to Expedia. [2]

Caution Slip Sign next to a body of water.

Tripadvisor – Online Reviews Remain a Trusted Source of Information When Booking Trips. 2019.

Expedia Group – Tools: Post-stay Reviews.

Section Four:
Pricing Strategies & Tips

Different travelers will pay different prices for the same room under different circumstances. Rather than offer the same price to everyone, hotels should strive to charge the right price to the right guest at the right time. Here we share key pricing strategies.

Precios dinámicos
Uno de los grandes retos de la fijación de precios hoteleros es que los factores que afectan a la demanda pueden cambiar con frecuencia, hasta varias veces al día. En el pasado, los precios hoteleros eran relativamente estáticos. Las tarifas se fijaban anualmente y rara vez cambiaban a lo largo del año. Hoy en día, la mayoría de los hoteles practican algún tipo de fijación dinámica de precios, ajustándolos con frecuencia en respuesta a los cambios en la demanda interna, la demanda del mercado y los precios de la competencia.

Precios competitivos
Muchos hoteles fijan el precio de las habitaciones en relación con sus competidores, identificando una cantidad fija o un diferencial porcentual que desean mantener por encima o por debajo de un competidor. Cuando cambian las tarifas del competidor, el hotel ajusta las suyas para mantener el diferencial.

While it’s important to price competitively, to blindly follow competitors is not an ideal strategy. Your competitors may not be following smart strategies, and their pricing objectives and internal demand may differ from yours. You therefore risk mispricing your rooms and missing out on booking opportunities.

No pierda de vista los precios de la competencia, pero siga sus propias estrategias en función de sus objetivos, property puntos fuertes y demanda interna. Por ejemplo, si su hotel está casi agotado y su competidor baja las tarifas, puede decidir hacer lo contrario.

Precios por categoría de habitación
La mayoría de los hoteles ofrecen varias categorías de habitaciones a distintos precios, lo que proporciona a los huéspedes una gran variedad de opciones. Algunos huéspedes querrán la habitación más barata, otros estarán dispuestos a pagar más por una habitación más grande o con mejores vistas, y el huésped ocasional querrá la mejor habitación de la casa.

Consejos sobre precios
• If your inventory allows, create several room categories – but not too many, or you may confuse guests and create operational challenges.

• In addition to charging premiums for extra space and better views, charge for other popular features like a preferred bed configuration, fireplace, sitting area, balcony, large workspace, or kitchen.

• When demand is low or price sensitivity is high, oversell entry-level rooms to capture more bookings and then upgrade guests to balance out the inventory.

• When demand is high or price sensitivity is low, close out entry-level rooms once they are sold out to boost sales of premium rooms.

• If your entry-level room often sells out but premium rooms sit empty or are upgraded, try reducing pricing differentials between categories.

• When inventory allows, offer guests the opportunity to upgrade their room at a special reduced rate prior to arrival or upon check-in.

• When pricing rooms relative to competitors, be sure to compare similar categories.

Precios por modelo de reserva
Las restricciones de precios y estancias pueden ser una forma eficaz de fomentar las pautas de reserva deseables y desincentivar las indeseables.

Los patrones de reservas incluyen:

• Stay patterns – The days of week guests arrive, stay, and depart.
• Booking windows or lead time – How far in advance guests book.
• Length of stay (LOS) – How many nights guests stay.
• Changes – How often guests change dates or cancel rooms.

Consejos sobre precios

• Offer discounts for non-refundable rates year-round to bring in guaranteed revenue and cut down on cancellations.
• Offer early-bird discounts to encourage advanced bookings on low-demand dates.
• Offer last-minute discounts to fill empty rooms – but not too often because guests may learn to wait until the last minute to book.
• Target long-stay guests with promotions such as “Stay four nights, pay for three.” Offer deeper discounts for extended stays such as seven days or 30 days.
• On busy nights, implement a minimum length of stay or closed to arrival restriction to boost occupancy on shoulder nights.
• Monitor changes in booking behavior, adjusting pricing and stay controls as needed to capture more revenue.

Descuentos y promociones
Las promociones pueden ser una buena forma de aumentar las reservas en épocas de baja demanda. Sin embargo, si su property está siempre de oferta, los huéspedes esperarán tarifas bajas y será más difícil cobrar tarifas más altas cuando la situación mejore. También puede provocar guerras de precios con la competencia. Por eso es mejor ofrecer descuentos sólo cuando sea necesario.

Consejos sobre precios
• According to Expedia, the most appealing deals for travelers are complimentary add-ons and discounts for booking in advance, last-minute, a package, or a longer stay. [1]
• Rather than give set discounts, offer a percentage off the base rate so that rates can flex up or down depending how busy you are.
• Don’t feel the need to discount all room categories; only discount the room types that need a boost.
• Offer value-adds instead of discounts to protect average rate. According to a survey from STR, traveler booking decisions are most influenced by free Wi-fi and free breakfast. [2]
• Bundle services to encourage guests to spend more on property, such as a bed & breakfast package, dinner package, romance package, or spa package.
• Recognize loyalty and entice guests to stay more frequently with special discounts or perks such as a free upgrade, welcome amenity, early check-in, or late checkout.
• Display special offers as slashed-through pricing to show travelers how much they are saving.
• Be transparent. Don’t surprise guests with hidden fees.
• Keep in mind that lowering rates isn’t a fail-safe way to stimulate demand. If price sensitivity is low, you may be better off holding rates.
• Monitor pickup carefully and close promotions as soon as they are no longer needed.

Pricing by Market Segment
To be more targeted in pricing, hotels divide guests into market segments based on shared characteristics. The main market segments are leisure, business, and group. Larger hotels may divide these segments further.

Consejos sobre precios
• Determine which segments are the most valuable to your property, and at which time of year, and prioritize efforts on attracting them.
• Target leisure travelers through promotions on online travel agencies (OTAs) and direct channels.
• Offer special rates to attract subsegments of travelers such as seniors, local residents, and members of clubs and associations.
• Target business travelers by approaching local companies with offers of special rates and perks in return for a minimal annual room night commitment.
• Rather than offer set corporate rates, offer dynamic rates that can flex up and down depending on how busy you are.
• Research companies, travel agencies, and planners that book meetings and events in your region and contact them to offer group rates.
• Partner with your local destination marketing organization (DMO) and visitors bureau to participate in promotions and bids for citywide conferences and events.
• Target blended or “bleisure” travelers who combine business and leisure on the same trip and often stay longer.

Pricing by Distribution Channel
Another pricing strategy is to offer different rates and booking conditions on different distribution channels. For smaller hotels, the main booking channels are:
• Direct (hotel website, phone, email, walkins)
• OTAs
• Wholesalers
• GDS (Global Distribution System)

Consejos sobre precios
• Strive for a balance of bookings across distribution channels, prioritizing the channels that are the most valuable and profitable to your property.
• If contractually required, strive to maintain rate parity with OTAs, while ensuring that they never undercut your direct rates.
• If rate parity is not required (regulations may vary by region), offer the best deals on your direct channels and advertise a “best rate guarantee” on your website.
• Participate in OTA promotions to boost bookings on low-demand dates. But don’t overdo it – commissions can erode your average rate and drive up distribution costs.
• Contact wholesalers and bed banks that book rooms in your region to offer net rates.
• If you’re not already listed on the GDS, consider doing so to gain access to travel agents and corporate travel managers around the world.
• When demand is high, close out OTAs, wholesalers, and other low-rate, high-cost distribution channels.

Expedia Group – Traveler Value Index 2023.
November 2022

STR – Value of travel increased in importance, while spending remains resilient. September 2022.

Section Five:
How Do You Know If You're Priced Right?

With so many factors and strategies to consider, it’s not always easy to know if you’re making the right pricing decisions. To understand if your rates are too high, too low, or just right, look for these signs.

Precio demasiado bajo
• Your booking pace is above normal.
• You’re selling out more quickly than competitors.
• Guests are raving about what a good deal your hotel is.
• Recent review ratings are higher than normal.

Precio demasiado alto
• Your booking pace is below normal.
• Your competitors are selling out before you.
• Guests are complaining about prices or value.
• Recent review ratings are lower than normal.

Boosting Value Perception
Pay attention to the signals, but try not to overreact. If guests occasionally complain about pricing but your booking pace remains strong, it’s not enough reason to change your entire pricing strategy. Look for ongoing patterns.

And remember, do not only look at price as an isolated number but as a value proposition, focusing on what makes you unique to your target audience to reduce exposure to price-sensitivity buyers.

There are ways to boost value perception for your guests without lowering rates.
• Provide consistently high standards of service and quality commensurate with pricing.
• Set realistic expectations of the guest experience and strive to exceed them.
• Provide value-added amenities and services such as an upgrade, welcome gift, or free breakfast, Wi-Fi, or parking.

Illustration of birds flying through the sky.

Section Six:
Automated Pricing: Taking the Guesswork Out of Rate Decisions

With so many moving parts, managing pricing effectively is virtually impossible to do alone. Fortunately, there’s a solution designed especially for independent hoteliers with limited time.

Automated pricing software takes the guesswork and emotion out of pricing decisions, freeing up busy hoteliers to focus on other tasks. Here are just a few of the benefits.

Fácil de usar
Unlike revenue management systems, the software is quick to learn and simple to operate, requiring only a few hours of time each week.

Optimized pricing
La solución recopila datos sobre la demanda del mercado, las tarifas de la competencia y la demanda interna, y los introduce en sus potentes algoritmos para obtener la tarifa óptima para cada huésped.

Automated pricing decisions
Pricing is customized by room category, lead time, and length of stay, capturing maximum value from every booking.

24/7 dynamic pricing
Pricing is automatically updated in the PMS several times a day, every day including weekends, for up to 18 months in advance.

Choose between full automation and recommendation mode, which allows the user to review rates and make adjustments before uploading them to the PMS.

The hotel retains full control over pricing objectives and strategies, minimum and maximum rates, fixed pricing, and the preferred level of aggressiveness.

More revenue
With automated pricing, hotels have the data and tools they need to exceed revenue objectives, earning 22 percent more revenue on average year over year. [1]

RoomPriceGenie – Case Study – Exactly How Much Extra Revenue Does a Revenue Management System Make? May 2022.

Illustration of luggage pilled up next to and on top of each other.

Section Seven:
Haga realidad su potencial de ingresos

A hotel is a big investment. With smart pricing strategies, operators can have more confidence they aren’t underpricing rooms and leaving money on the table or overpricing rooms and losing bookings. They are optimizing performance every day.

Today, automation is transforming hotel operations. Hotels have a PMS to automate check-in, accounting software to automate bookkeeping, and a channel manager to automate distribution. Yet many hoteliers still manage pricing manually, leaving the property vulnerable to wasted time, pricing errors, and missed opportunities.

Why struggle to manage pricing when software can do it better and faster? Let a pricing solution handle the day-to-day tasks so you can focus on what you do best: taking care of guests, supporting your team, and running a successful property.

Illustration of an aeroplane next to an image of a hotel and a swimming pool.

Section Eight:
Now Is the Time to Embrace Automated Pricing

Automation is changing the accommodation business. It’s helping hoteliers make smarter decisions and freeing them up to take better care of guests and support their team. This is especially crucial for small properties with limited resources.

Today, hotels that use automated pricing software are at a distinct advantage over hotels that don’t. They have more time, less stress, and more revenue. However, adoption of these tools is happening so fast it won’t be long before they become mainstream, and properties without pricing software will be at a serious disadvantage. Now is the time to put automated pricing into place. Not only will you make more revenue while you sleep, you will sleep more peacefully.

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